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A reminder that all appointment requests are added via the online form for GP triage (Klinik) this enables us to assess urgency and direct you to the best clinician - Right Person Right Time.  This request can be made by yourself or a member of staff at the surgery if you cant do this for any reason.  You can log in using your NHS App log in but you dont need this you can proceed without a log in. 

If you are requesting repeat medication this is far better done via the NHS App (or if you still use Patient Access) as the list is there and you dont have to retype all the names.  The medication request then goes directly into the electronic system for signing. If you are asking for a one off medication or an item that isnt on repeat then please use the online form on the website (Klinik)

Thank you to all those who have embraced this system, we are no longer asking anyone to call back another day and all requests are clinically assessed as they come in which is far safer for our patients.


Surgery Newsletter - Please read the latest edition -  Newsletter Spring 25.pdf


Mid Chiltern Primary Care Network ( PCN) 

Please follow the link below to find out more about our PCN and the services we offer as a network, also to self refer to our Social Prescribing team.

Mid Chiltern PCN

Patient Survey 2024

Please see below for the results of the survey which was kindly carried out and analysed by our PPG

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Contact us

If you need to contact us for any other reason, please use our email rectorymeadowsurgery@nhs.net  or call 01494 727711

Please do not use this email address for clinical requests, prescription requests or appointment requests.